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Email is possibly the greatest owned media channel for brands.” – Joe Pulizzi.

What is Email Marketing –

Email Marketing is the process of sending commercial message, generally to the group of people, using Email. In marketing sense, every Email sent to customers could be considered as Email Marketing. The process of Email Marketing involves using Emails to send advertisement to promote business, to generate sales or donations etc. The primary object of Email Marketing is to build loyalty, to build trust and brand awareness. The main purpose of Email marketing is to build relationship between with current or previous customers, encouraging customers loyalty and repeat business, acquiring more new customers and sharing another party advertisement. Email Marketing allowing benefit to marketers to identify good returns and at the same time achieving market penetration, revealing that more personal nature of certain advertisement method, such as television advertisement cannot be captured. Email Marketing has a vital role in Digital Marketing.

Before 1978, Email Marketing was not so effective. In 1978, when DEC ( Digital Equipment Corporation) sent the first bulk Email to approximately 400 clients via Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET). DEC claimed that this bulk Email resulted in 13 million dollars worth of sales and highlighted the potential of marketing through Emails.

Email Marketing can be done through different types of Emails such as-

1. Transactional Email.

2. Promotional Email or Direct Email.

Transactional Email – Transactional Emails are generally triggered based on customer’s action with a company. The purpose of this Emails are convey information regarding the action triged by customer. Transactional Emails includes informative Emails, purchase or sales confirmation Emails, password reset Emails or order status Emails etc.

Promotional Emails or Direct Emails - Promotional or Direct emails are those Emails which are sent to communicate a promotional message to people. Generally companies collect list of Emails addresses to send direct promotional messages through Emails.

Is Email Marketing is beneficial for the growth of your business?

Email Marketing may be sound old-fashioned but with more update technologies it has large potential to reach audience and it is more effective then other marketing channels. ‘Email Marketing is like butter on bread in marketing world. Email Marketing allows you to promote your brand with most used methods of communication and gives you a direct link to your market. Email Marketing drives the consumers acquisition and retention .

“Reaching the inbox isn’t your goal- engaging people is” – Matt Blumberg.

Benefits of Email Marketing—

There are many reason that Email Marketing is most effective marketing channel. Email Marketing is used by thousand of business across the globe. Some benefits of Email Marketing are-

1. Low cost and more effective - Email marketing is its lower cost compared to other marketing channels. Millions of Email can send at a time but cost very low that other marketing channels. Other channels can instantly send messages to thousand of people but cant show how many of them actually opened or read you content by Email Marketing u can track it.

2. Easy to share and measure - Email Marketing has a key benefit to see where you are going right or wrong. By Email Marketing you can track open, measure conversation rates etc. Subscribers can share their brilliant ideas, deals , offers to their clients at the click. There is no other east Marketing then this.

3. Reach an already engaged or target audience— Many companies using Email Marketing to send Emails only to that consumers ask to receive or signed up to receive them. Email Marketing allow for much more conversation as this send only to those who are interested in their brnad.

4. Dirve revenue and maximum returns— Email Marketing generate revenue by taking advantage of impulse buying. Consumers witness an offer and immediate purchase n item within two clicks. In every business, maximum returns is all that matters. According to DMA when u spent 1$ on Email Marketing it can give return of 35$.

5. Easy to adapt — Email Marketing is not very difficult but it is safe,real-time and easy. Email Marketing doesn’t require a huge team or fancy technical tools to use this channel of marketing. It can be done by fancy E mail templates, images, logos or just text Emails. Many Email marketing platforms include many editors which allows you to create stunning Emails very easily.

What is Email template —

In Email Marketing an Email template is an HTML preformatted Email used to create your own unique template according to your purpose. Email template is HTML file that we use to build email campaigns. Email template should be unique and catchy. Template can be use again and again for multiple campaigns with different content for your business. A unique Email template can change the game completely. By multiple use of on template you can spend more time on content writing than designing work. Email template is more attractive and consistent which create a better overall experience for consumers.

Best part is you can create personalize template for your subscriber by their name. your unique Email template talks with your consumers and give you much better and bulletproof email campaign.

Email Marketing services providers—

In the world of Digital marketing there are hundred of Email Marketing providers but you should choose one with best services.

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